Healthy Kidtchen


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I love shopping but more than anything, I love to shop for food!  Even pre-covid I used Fresh Direct (a food delivery company serving the greater New York area, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Fairfield CT, Washington DC) for its convenience and high-quality products.  During the height of the pandemic, a weekly delivery spot was a hot commodity and I have not given my spot up!!! One of the things I love about FreshDirect is the variety and quality of their seasonal produce offerings, in addition to their weekly deals which makes them more economical.  The other food delivery service I started during the pandemic is Misfit Market and I always look forward to my biweekly box of goodness.  This company rescues imperfect produce and what you get is 100% organic fruits and vegetables that would ordinarily go to waste.  I always try to pick foods that I’m not too familiar with or organic foods that may be difficult to source locally.  They even have a marketplace for dry goods, snacks and now organic meats to shop from. I’m going to share some interesting foods I’ve recently purchased to show you how easy it is to add something new to your weekly menu, even if it’s something you are not familiar with!

Let’s start with Fiddlehead Ferns!! Say what???  Fiddleheads are the young coiled leaves of the ostrich fern plant, which closely resemble a fiddle.  Their flavor profile is a cross between asparagus and a green bean.  Nutritionally speaking they provide fiber, iron and antioxidants which make them a healthful addition to any meal.  Have an airfryer?  Spritz with olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt and toss them in the airfryer at 380° for 10 minutes.  Serve the fiddleheads as a side dish with a piece of fish and a quinoa salad and there’s a meal worth repeating!

Who doesn’t love artichokes?  Did you know that artichokes are a member of the sunflower family?  The part we eat is the immature flower bud and you should look for artichokes with tightly closed leaves.  Purple artichokes have a stronger flavor profile than their green counterparts, but they are equally as healthy and loaded with vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, K, folate, phosphorus and magnesium.  Try grilling, sautéing, roasting or steaming them. 

Don’t shy away from this beautiful plant with bright red stalks that closely resembles celery.  Rhubarb season runs April through June and even though it’s most commonly paired with fruit, it’s actually a vegetable!  Rhubarb is sweet and tart at the same time, with a flavor profile that is similar to tart green apples with a touch of celery.  Rhubarb is rich in antioxidants, fiber, Vitamins C, K and even some calcium.  Best paired with other fruits like strawberries, rhubarb works well in crisps, tarts, puddings, smoothies and jam.

This beauty from earth is called Dragon Fruit and it comes in either a pink or white variety.  Rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals such as iron, dragon fruit also contains prebiotics which feed the healthy bacteria in our digestive systems.  Dragon fruits are in peak season, and while they are expensive fresh you can also find them frozen to be used in smoothies.  Dragon fruit has a subtle sweet flavor and can be eaten raw or even grilled with other fruits such as pineapples.  

Don’t let this season go without trying any of the abovementioned Spring market finds.  I promise you won’t be disappointed!

Michele Kaplan

Michele Kaplan, MS, RD, CDN is a Registered Dietitian and mom of 3, who has combined her passion for cooking and knowledge of nutrition

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